
Entry (1/2)1  mahitsy (hitsy)
Part of speech  2  adjective
Explanations in Malagasy  3  Tsy meloka: Efa mahitsy ny tananao fa tsy tahaka ny tamin' ny nahapotrahanao 4  Tsy miolokolika, tora-tady: Manaraha an' iny lala-mahitsy iny 5  Tsy misy diso: Efa mahitsy ny fitenin' itỳ zaza itỳ [1.1]
Explanations in English  6  straight, correct [1.7]
Explanations in French  7  droit, être droit, direct, sans détour, juste, exact, correct: Mahitsy io làlana io (Ce chemin est droit, direct) ~ Mahitsy ny fiteniny (Son langage est correct) [1.3#253]8  droit, correct [1.8]
Examples  9  Satria, mahitsy ka mety hanafintohina. [2.245#119]
10  Na indray mandeha aza, hoy izy nijery ahy mahitsy. [2.5#]
Compound words 
Proverbs  20  Proverbs containing the word mahitsy

Entry (2/2)21  Mahitsy
Part of speech  22  name (toponym)
Vocabulary  23  Geography: towns
Elementary words  24  mahitsy, hitsy
Tables and plates  25  Full list

Anagrams  26  Mahitsy, mahitsy, mihatsy, Mahitsy, mahitsy, mihatsy

Updated on 2023/07/13